Department releases 2nd geophysical data drop for State’s second offshore wind auction
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has now made available second geophysical data sets for the South Coast DMAP- Tonn Nua offshore wind auction.
Geophysical data
Data is critical to advancing Irelands renewable energy goals and securing its energy future. Ireland has ambitious offshore renewable energy targets and the meeting of these targets' hinges on comprehensive data and surveys to assess site feasibility, environmental impacts, and logistical considerations. Geophysical survey data is required to determine the bathymetry, assess the seabed and sub-bottom conditions, identify seabed including soil type and sub-bottom geohazards and terrain models. Geophysical surveys may also inform optimal placement of turbines.
The role of data in the Tonn Nua auction bidding process
Ireland's second offshore wind auction will take place in the Tonn Nua auction site, off the coast of County Waterford. The auction bidding process is expected to take place in early 2025.
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) has now made critical geophysical data sets available for the Tonn Nua auction. These datasets will support prospective auction participants in their analysis to better inform and de-risk bid preparations.
The South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan
Tonn Nua will be the first offshore auction to be held within the South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan (SC DMAP). Along with the Tonn Nua auction site, the SC DMAP identifies four maritime areas off the south coast in which ORE development will take place over the next decade. All four maritime areas are located off the Cork, Waterford and Wexford coast. This approach offers further certainty to ORE developers – by ensuring that future ORE windfarm developments will be led by maritime spatial plans identified by Government and approved by the Oireachtas- It also protects the marine environment and supports citizens reliant on the sea.
To access data
Both processed and unprocessed data has been made available, however, no interpretation has been applied to the data. New users are asked to please complete the data request form and data license agreement which are available below and send them to . DECC will send the data to users through an Azure Solutions link once these documents have been returned to DECC. Users can expect 1.5 TB of data from the data drop, once the files have been extracted.
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