University College Dublin- Student Placement Opportunities MSc Applied Environmental Science

University College Dublin  are currently seeking placements for their graduate students from the College of Science, MSc Applied Environmental Science.

Policy work in environmental assessment, evaluating potential change in environmental quality in response to various land use and other activities, and in development of management and conservation strategies, as well as contributing to policy formulation.

This course has a heavy emphasis on practical training in fieldwork, laboratory analyses, information sourcing, data analysis, planning, reporting and communication. Emphasis on water quality, hydrology and waste treatment processes.  This multi-disciplinary Master’s course provides fundamental training in key areas of Environmental Science encompassing marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems. 

Stage of Academic Learning (at time of placement): Graduate students

Department/School: College of Science    

Course Title: MSc. Applied Environmental Science

Course Information:!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=COURSE&MAJR=X062

Number of students to be placed from this course: 19

📅 Placement period (approximate): 01/07/2025- 29/08/2025

Placement Officer: Rachel McEvoy

📧 Email Address:

Image removed. Phone number: 01 716 2270