University College Dublin - Student Placements Available BSc Environmental Biology
University College Dublin are currently seeking placements for their 3rd year undergraduate students from the College of Science.
These UCD undergraduate students study environmental assessment and management, marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are studied through the disciplines of plant, animal and microbial ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation biology, global change biology, pollution biology, soil science and wildlife ecology.
If you are interested in offering a placement to one of these students please get in touch with their Placement Officer Rachel McEvoy, more details below.
Stage of Academic Learning (at time of placement): 3rd Year Undergraduate
Department/School: College of Science
Course Title: BSc Environmental Biology
Course Information:!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=COURSE&MAJR=EBC2&KEYWORD=environmental%20biology
Number of students to be placed from this course: 7
📅 Placement period (approximate): 02/06/2025- 22/08/2025
Placement Officer: Rachel McEvoy
📧 Email Address:
Phone number: 01 716 2270