MIIN Member Spotlight – Alpha Marine
MIIN Member Spotlight – Alpha Marine

For our next MIIN Member Spotlight, we have Alpha Marine. Alpha Marine is a multi-disciplined marine organisation based in County Wicklow providing services in four key areas: Ship, Tug and Workboat Charter, Offshore Windfarms, Geophysical, Geotechnical and Environmental Surveys and Marine Civils and Dredging. Tim Greenwood, Commercial Director of Alpha Marine, tells us all about the company and his role within it, as well as his vision for the company and the Irish marine industry as a whole.

Introduce yourself and the organisation? What is your role? What is your focus area?
Tim Greenwood, Commercial Director of Alpha Marine. Developing and operating the company’s business in offshore wind and marine civils.

Tell us more about Alpha Marine. Where is it located? What do you do?
Based on the East Coast of Ireland in County Wicklow, Alpha Marine is a multi-disciplined marine organisation providing services in four key areas:
- Ship, Tug and Workboat Charter
- Offshore Windfarms
- Geophysical, Geotechnical and Environmental Surveys
- Marine Civils and Dredging
Founded in 2004, the company has been working primarily in the offshore wind sector both domestically and in the UK.

What is your organisation’s unique selling point (USP)?
Alpha Marine’s USP is the experience the company brings to offshore projects. We have been working in offshore wind for nearly 20 years, both in Ireland and the UK, so the industry is not new to us. We believe the passing on of our experience to our clients is our most highly beneficial USP.

Are you developing a new product/innovation?
We are enhancing our operational, technical and commercial capacity in readiness for an uptake in offshore wind on the East Coast of Ireland. We have secured a minority shareholder in Irish Mainport Holdings, invested in our fleet and equipment and improved our processes by implementing an integrated management system to include ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

What motivates you in your role with Alpha Marine?
Quite simply, a passion for the sea and renewable energy. Both have been interests of mine from an early age. It is good to know that we are doing something worthwhile for our community, nation and hopefully to address the urgent climate crisis that the world is facing.

What is your vision for the marine industry in Ireland over the next 10 years?
I see a highly dynamic sector which will focus on offshore renewable energy, aquaculture and green propulsion for shipping. I believe that there will be so many more opportunities for future generations than there has been in the recent past. I worry about fishing though. It is obvious that the industry has multiple systemic problems. Fishing is being completely mismanaged and has been now by successive governments for decades. Fishing requires wholescale and immediate reform.

What do you see as the biggest opportunity for Ireland’s marine industry in the coming years (5-10 years)?
Without a doubt, offshore wind and green hydrogen production from it. I firmly believe that green hydrogen is going to be the fuel of choice in the not-too-distant future.
What is the biggest challenge, in your opinion, facing businesses in the marine industry in 2021?
Supply chain visibility and evenness for offshore wind. In the UK over the past decade and a half, the Crown Estate realised that a phased release of consents would lead to a regular supply of projects with no gaps and no peaks. We need to copy this in Ireland so that suppliers to the industry have visibility, enabling them to make and time investment decisions so as to enhance their readiness and optimise capability. An even release of projects ensures that there are no detrimental gaps where there is no business, or equally damaging peaks where there is too much activity and Irish companies cannot fulfil demand.
What international markets are you interested in?
Predominantly those closest to us geographically, i.e., the UK and Northern Europe, but in truth, any location that is building offshore wind.
What’s one thing you’d like to share with the network?
Let’s work together and try to have some fun!
Where can we find more information about you and Alpha Marine?
Website: www.alphamarine.ie
Email: tim@alphamarine.ie