MINKE - Metrology for Integrated marine maNagement and Knowledge-transfer nEtwork





There will be different calls for the MINKE Transnational Access (TNA) to offer physical and virtual access to MINKE’s Research Infrastructures (RIs), which include laboratories, marine validation sites and e-infrastructures.

Each call will be published on the MINKE website, mailing lists, social media and other public-access media, clearly stating the timeline and providing the template for transnational access proposals.

The access is provided free of charge and includes all the logistical, technological and scientific support, as well as any specific training that is normally provided to external users of the specific infrastructure/facility.

How to apply for the TNA calls

Download and fill in the application form, making sure to follow the instructions.

Proposals must be submitted to the MINKE TNA Office email (minke.tna@upc.edu) during the publication of the call and before its deadline. They will be registered (a submission number will be assigned), filed and prepared for evaluation.

If users apply for access to a facility whose admission time has already been used up, they may be redirected to another facility with unconsumed admission time. To the extent possible, the alternative facility offered will have similar technical or geographical characteristics.

Selection procedure

The TNA Office will check the proposals in the order they were submitted. A preliminary check is necessary to ensure that the application is correct. Incomplete proposals will automatically be rejected.

Proposals will be evaluated by two independent experts drawn from the MINKE Evaluation Committee; this will involve one person who is external to the MINKE project and another from a different organisation within the MINKE consortium.

Following this review, proposals will be sent to the MINKE Evaluation Committee for final decision. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the evaluation within three weeks from the submission date.

If the outcome is positive, candidates will be asked to get in touch with the facility manager and interact directly with the facility operators to discuss details and the exact timeline.

The Evaluation Committee will prioritise projects that:

  • Are in accordance with the objectives of the call.
  • Have not previously used the installation. * except for low cost sensors from Fab Lab Barcelona.
  • Do not have equivalent research infrastructures in their own countries.

Unsuccessful applications will receive feedback for improvement and options for resubmission in future calls.

Evaluation procedure

The projects submitted will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Scientific and/or technological excellence of the user group (20 pts)
  2. Scientific and technical value of the project (20 pts)
  3. Quality of the work plan (20 pts)
  4. Potential for seeding links with industry and/or potential application to stakeholders (20 pts)
  5. European relevance and interest for the scientific community and society (20 pts)
  6. Responsible research and social inclusiveness (20 pts)
  7. Involvement of principles of openness in the communication and subsequent dissemination of the results (20 pts)

Proposals will be ranked in descending order, and those with the highest score will be considered suitable. The TNA Office will notify the applicants of the final decision.

Funding source
Deadline - February 2022