ERA-NET BlueBio Second Additional Call 2021


Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources (BlueBio)

The online submission tool is ready to use and the call announcement, guidelines and templates are available on the BlueBio Website. All proposal information must be submitted via the online tool. Please make yourself familiar with this tool well advance the submission deadline. This third call for research projects is open since 8 June, 2021.

9 funding organisations from 8 countries are involved in this call. The total available budget is approx. 8 million €.

This call is targeted at Advancing Resource Management, Market and Socioeconomic aspects in the Blue Bioeconomy Value Chains. This call aims to facilitate research and innovation to underpin sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources. This will encompass an integrated food systems approach to ensure ecosystem integrity and resilience. Furthermore, acceptability, trust, transparency, and innovation uptake by citizens are key to developing the Blue Bioeconomy sector. To this end the production and consumption of safe and healthy food and bio-based products (food and nutrition security) is vital and this call will address market and socioeconomic aspects of the value chain to foster solutions to these issues.

The funding available for Irish partners is 200,000 Euro, which is being funded by the Marine Institute, further details are provided in the Ireland National Rules. If you have any queries please email or the nominated national contact point listed.

Submission deadline: 20 September, 2021 12:00 (CET)

Research projects are expected to start between June and December 2022, depending on the grant negotiations with the relevant national funding organisation(s).

Funding source
Deadline Monday, 20th September 2021 at 12pm