Blue Invest Readiness Assistance Coaching Programme

Apply to Cycle 7 of the BlueInvest Readiness Assistance, where innovative start-ups and SMEs in the maritime sector benefit from impact-driven business coaching on their investment and market readiness.

Selected companies will receive up to 10 days of tailored one-to-one coaching (funded by the EU) according to their needs and priorities, covering the following topics:

  • Pre-assistance discovery workshop
  • Market readiness, product & innovation
  • Corporate strategy
  • Improving investment readiness and reaching bankability
  • Access to finance
  • Improving execution capacity
  • Growth strategy
  • Internationalisation & market access
  • Pitch doctor
  • Digital strategy for Blue Economy

All applicants submitting their application will receive customised feedback on their investment readiness.

BlueInvest is operated by PwC on behalf of the European Commission. Learn more at:

Funding source
European Commission
Application deadline is the 30th of April 2021