Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund

DTIF Call 3 – Main Points

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) Call 3 is about funding collaborations that demonstrate technology-based disruptive innovation, collaborations that can: 

  • Alter markets;
  • Alter the way business operates;
  • Involve new products or the emergence of new business models.

Funding applications for Call 3 should be within the Research Priority Areas 2018-2023. We are particularly interested in projects of scale with a strong enterprise agenda to harness maximum medium-term economic impact for Ireland. Ideally, we are looking for enterprise-driven research and development challenges that can demonstrate commercial impacts within 3 to 7 years of project completion.

As with Call 2, each project must have a minimum of three partners: two of these must be enterprise partners, at least one of which must be an SME. Research organisations (including colleges) can be a partner but can receive no more than 50% of the grant funding per project. All projects should be seeking minimum funding of €1.5 million. Small companies (less than 50 employees) that are part of successful applications under the Fund may be eligible for pre-finance subject to meeting conditions as set out in the Guide for Applicants.

Key amendments from Call 2 are:

  1. Change to one of the Selection Criterion, now called ‘Economic Impact and Sustainability’, to incorporate the commitment in the Climate Action Plan (CAP) for all National Development Plan (NDP) funds to prioritise the selection of low-carbon investments. Applicants are asked to demonstrate, as much as possible, positive contributions to the low carbon / sustainability targets in Ireland’s Climate Action Plan. Proposals funded under the DTIF should neither hinder the achievement of Ireland’s climate objectives nor have other significant negative environmental impacts.
  2. Economic impact outputs should be demonstrable within a 3 to 7-year timeframe (as opposed to the previous 3-5 years). 

Guide for Applicants

Please see the DTIF Call 3 Guide for Applicants to learn more about applying for the Fund.

Each project partner in a collaborative partnership will be required to complete the attached Consortium Agreement template. 


Enterprise Ireland hosted a DTIF Call 3 webinar on 22 October for those interested in learning more about the application process for DTIF Call 3. The presentation, along with the questions raised and the responses supplied, are available on DTIF Call 3 audio for information purposes. A set of FAQs on DTIF featuring the questions raised at the webinar is now available.


Applications must be submitted via the online submission system on the Enterprise Ireland website before the application deadline of 17 December 2020 (3pm Irish time).

Funding source
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Deadline for receipt of applications is 17 December 2020 (15.00 Irish Time)