Interreg North-West Europe: Call 5
The Interreg North-West Europe fifth call for project proposals is now open until Thursday, 16 January 2025 12.00 pm noon CET (11.00 am UTC+1).
This call covers all nine specific objectives addressed by the Programme and follows a two-step process. In step 1 applicants will focus on the project need and justification, its objective, the added value of the proposed approach and the relevance of the partnership. All projects which successfully pass step 1 will be invited to submit a more detailed application, including a complete work plan and budget.
The Programme is looking for transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area. Over the lifetime of the Programme, €287 million of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) will be allocated to projects.
To start preparing your step 1 application, have a look at the following reference documents:
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference aim at defining the framework and conditions of the fifth call for proposal launched by the NWE Programme. It notably defines the opening and closing dates, the way applicants should submit their application and the themes covered. It also explains where applicants can potentially get help and support for the development of their project idea.
Programme Manual
The Programme Manual is a valuable resource and a key reference document for both project applicants and approved projects, guiding them from the application stage all the way to closure. It details the concepts, rules and procedures for projects intending to apply and receive funding from the NWE Programme. It also informs them on the expectations the NWE Programme has from projects during implementation.
Guidance documents
Using its transnational cooperation expertise, the 2021-2027 Programme wants to jointly promote a green, smart and just transition for all NWE territories with the aim to support a balanced development and make all regions more resilient. To deliver this ambition, the Programme has identified five thematic priorities, each of which is divided into Specific Objectives (SO).
The Programme developed factsheets for each SO with a summary of the territorial challenges and opportunities, objectives, target groups, activities, and results. These are designed to help potential applicants understand what is expected from projects under each topic. The comprehensive description of each SO, which contains detailed explanations and further examples should be consulted for a full understanding of the SO in Chapter 2.1 of the Interreg Programme.
The factsheets and additional guidance can be found in the Guidance for applicants section. The Programme strongly encourages applicants to review the step 1 documents, which include:
- Territoriality factsheet: in addition to the SO factsheets, this document explains how territoriality should be approached and justified in your project proposal.
- Step 1 application form is a word version of what applicants will find on the Interreg NWE Joint electronic submission system (Jems) and need to fill in to submit a step 1 application.
- Step 1 eligibility criteria which are the list of criteria each project must comply with to be declared eligible.
- Step 1 assessment criteria against which every project application will be assessed to establish its relevance and feasibility. Decisions on whether to grant funding will be based on this document.
How to apply?
Project proposals must be submitted in English and only through the Interreg NWE Joint electronic monitoring system (Jems).
Project applications sent via any other means will not be considered.