Marine Institute Industry-Led Awards 2024

The Marine Institute is delighted to announce that the Industry-Led Awards Call 2024 is now open.

The funding is aimed at supporting research and innovation costs for the development of innovative technologies, products and services from existing or new marine-based business. Applicants should focus on sustainable development, protection of the environment and advancing towards a climate neutral ocean economy.

The Marine Institute has committed €2.4 million in grant-aid funding for this call over a period of 3 years. Applicants have three options available under this funding model. Proposals must be led by a Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) based in the Republic of Ireland.

Partnerships are permissible, with eligible partners being SMEs from the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland (options 1 or 2) and Higher Education Institutes, Research Institutes or Other Public Bodies from the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or elsewhere (option 3 only) as outlined below:

Duration - Partners - Max Grant-Aid Requested

18 or 24 months - Two max (Industry Only) - 200,000 Euro

36 months - Two max (Industry Only) - 300,000 Euro

36 months - Three max (Two Industry plus one HEI or Public Research Performing Org.) - 450,000 Euro (300,000 Euro Industry and 150,000 HEI or Public PRO)


The proposed research topic must be relevant to at least one of the five research themes (or sub-themes) below:

  1. Coastal and Marine Tourism
  2. Maritime Security and Safety
  3. Maritime Transport - Ports and Shipping
  4. Offshore Renewable Energy
  5. Sustainable Seafood (lower impact fisheries, regenerative aquaculture, seafood processing & waste streams).

All applications must be submitted through the Marine Institute's online grant system (RIMS). Details on registration are available in the Guidelines for Applicants.

Call close date 16:00 on Friday, 16th August 2024.

The Marine Institute will hold two online information sessions on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 at 11am and Thursday, 11th July 2024 at 2pm, please email to register or for any queries related to this call.

Full details are provided in the Terms of Reference and Guidelines for Applicants. For further information and details on submitting your application please read the Guidelines for Applicants (pdf) and the Terms of Reference (pdf).

Funding source
Marine Institute
Call close date 16:00 on Friday, 16th August 2024