3-days Advanced Training course in Bio-Refinery technologies on fishery side streams
Resilient Blue Bio-refinery technologies: innovative solutions to valorise fishery side streams
The course on “Resilient Blue Bio-refinery technologies: innovative solutions to valorise fishery side streams”, an advanced training initiative funded by ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources (BlueBio) and organised by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology with the support of National Research Council (CNR Italy), is now open for applications.
BlueBio ERANET COFUND is a coordinated R&D funding scheme which aims to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in the blue bioeconomy and addresses gaps to identify ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new solutions for creating value in the blue bioeconomy.
The goal of the course is to contribute in improving knowledge and create new skills on advanced technologies and biorefinery processes used for valorisation of fishery side streams and by-products, adopting both theoretical and practical approaches.
The course is open to PhD holders and/or experienced people in the field (priority will be given to applicants from BlueBio ERANET COFUND projects)
Official language: English
Date: 24 – 26 October 2023
Location: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund (IBA), Ålesund (Norway)
The activity is supported by the BlueBio ERANET COFUND project co-funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program under GA N. 817992
The deadline for the submission of applications has been postponed. Applications are now open until 31st August 2023, please find the application form at the following link: Application Form
After an evaluation process, the selected applicants will be invited to attend the training course.
The course is designed for up to 25 applicants, with priority for people working within projects cofunded by BlueBio ERANET COFUND.
General rules:
- This training course is aimed at PhD holders and/or people with at least 3 years of experience in Chemistry, Biotechnology, Marine Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture;
- Applicants should be working in Research Institutions, Universities or Industries with focus on the above related fields;
- There are no registration fees associated with the course;
- Hotel accommodation (3 nights starting from 23rd of October) and local travel expenses for the field visit (fish farms; see programme) will be covered by the BlueBio ERANET Cofund;
- A travel grant of up to 350 euros can be provided to participants. Please save your tickets for (partial) reimbursement of travel costs. Contact the organizers for further information.