Innovation Fund 1st call – demonstration of innovative energy technologies

Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects

Project ID: ID: InnovFund-LSC-2020-two-stage

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies.

What can be funded?

The Fund will focus on demo projects for highly innovative technologies and big flagship projects that can bring on significant emission reductions. Only projects with a total capital expenditure above EUR 7 500 000 are eligible under this call.

The call budget – €1bn – will be shared between innovative renewables, CCS, storage and heavy industries (steel, cement, chemicals, bricks etc.).

What kind of funding does the programme offer?

Grants - up to 60% of ‘relevant costs’ related to innovation. Up to 40% of the grants can be given before the whole project is fully up and running, based on predefined milestones.

How does the application process work?

The application process has two phases.

Expression of interest (short application):

The Commission will make a first assessment on 3 criteria:

  1. Project GHG avoidance
  2. Degree of innovation
  3. Maturity level

Projects that meet only the first two criteria may receive Project Development Assistance to improve the project’s maturity rating. These projects can then skip the first phase in follow-up calls.

Full application:

Projects are assessed on all five criteria, including scalability and cost efficiency.

  1. GHG emission avoidance potential
  2. Degree of innovation
  3. Project maturity
  4. Scalability
  5. Cost efficiency

What is the timeline?

  • Deadline for submission of applications for the first stage: 29 October 2020 at 17:00 (CET, Brussels)
  • Information on evaluation results and invitation for the second stage or PDA: 1st quarter of 2021
  • Deadline for submission of applications for the second stage: 2nd quarter of 2021
  • Information on second stage evaluation results: 4th quarter of 2021
  • Award of the grant: end of 2021

For more information

Visit the European Commission Funding and Tenders page for more information including:

  • Application forms
  • The text of the call and relevant annexes
  • Tools to support the calculation of GHG emission avoidance
Funding source
European Commission's Innovation Fund
Deadline for submission of applications for the first stage: 29 October 2020 at 17:00 (CET, Brussels)