EuropeWave launches innovative wave energy tender

The EuropeWave project is inviting wave energy developers to apply for funding via its innovative pre-commercial procurement (PCP) programme. The five-year collaborative programme opened its competitive call for tenders today, which will see several wave energy projects selected for the first stage of ‘concept development’. The call will be open until 1 October 2021.

A free-of-charge webinar will be held on 13 July, to provide potential applicants with full details of the call requirements, eligibility conditions and evaluation criteria. An online brokerage tool is also available until 20 July, to facilitation consortia building.

This online information session will help wave energy developers build the strongest possible proposals for the EuropeWave programme. The project team will take you step-by-step through the newly-launched competitive call for tender and give you the information you need to prepare a strong application.

Participants will find out about all aspect of the tender, including the requirements, eligibility, IPR considerations and evaluation criteria. It will also be an opportunity to put your questions directly to the EuropeWave team.

The EuropeWave programme is a 3-stage process to identify and test the most promising wave energy concepts at scale. All wave energy developers are encouraged to apply!

This Request for Tender is the first and only open call to companies active in the wave energy sector. Only projects that are accepted in this Request for Tender will be eligible to continue to the later stages of the programme.

Please note: Times given are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).