EMSO Webinar: Riding the waves of innovation with EMSO Physical Access Program

The webinar will take place,  February 28th, 11 am CET (10am Irish Time) and will showcase granted projects of past Calls and hosted by EMSO Regional Facilities.

Webinar Details:

  • Objectives:

    • Inform potential applicants about the EMSO Physical Access Call 2025

    • Showcase granted projects hosted by EMSO Regional Facilities

    • Encourage new applications for the service

  • Duration: 1 hour (including Q&A session)

  • Target Audience: Industry professionals

Register now and embark on your next research adventure with our Research Infrastructure!


The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) is a network of Regional Facilities in open-ocean, with seafloor observatories which can reach depths of thousands of metres, as well as shallow-water test sites placed at strategic locations across Europe. The observatories continuously monitor various biogeochemical and physical parameters that help address issues related to natural hazards, climate change, and marine ecosystems.

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