Blue Economy Window 2020 | Info Day

Blue Economy Window 2020 | Info Day is a fully virtual event. It will feature informative sessions on what you need to know about this year's BlueInvest Grants along with tips and practical information for those who intend to apply. 

Three previous BlueInvest Grant awardees will share their success stories, including insights for would-be applicants. 

Participants to the event will have the opportunity to book dedicated 1:1 meetings with EMFF experts, as well as meet potential collaborators and partners through a speed networking session and follow-up 1:1 meetings

This funding call presents funding opportunities for SMEs across the European Union. You can get up to 70% co-funding for your project with an average EU contribution between between € 700,000 and € 2.5 million.

Here's a link to the EMFF Blue Economy Window Call, which will be updated in the coming days.

