Blue Bioeconomy/Bhithgheilleagar Gorm: Greening the Marine/Glásu na Mara
This event focuses on the sustainability in the Blue Bioeconomy.
About this event:
This event focuses on the sustainability in the Blue Bioeconomy. We will explore the definition of sustainability and regulation of use of terminology alongside the activities within the Blue bioeconomy: lowering greenhouse gas emissions, Sustainable food production systems, followed by an informative Q&A session.
We have a fantastic line up of speakers with a wealth of experience in the marine sector with a particular emphasis on sustainability and ensuring the marine sector is at the forefront of action for sustainable climate change.
Díríonn an imeacht seo ar an inbhuanaitheacht sa Bhithgheilleagar Gorm. Déanfaimid iniúchadh ar shainiú na hinbhuanaitheachta agus ar rialáil úsáid téarmaíochta, in éineacht leis na gníomhaíochtaí laistigh den bhithgheilleagar Gorm maidir le hastaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa a ísliú agus córais táirgthe bia inbhuanaithe.
Tá foireann iontach cainteoirí againn a bhfuil saibhreas taithí acu in earnáil na mara le béim ar leith ar inbhuanaitheacht agus a chinntiú go bhfuil earnáil na mara ar thús cadhnaíochta i ngníomhaíochtaí ar son an athraithe aeráide inbhuanaithe.