Advancing Resource Management, Market and Socioeconomic aspects in the Blue Bioeconomy Value Chains

The BlueBio ERA-NET Second Additional Call Presentation and Brokerage Event is a two-part event where the BlueBio Cofund will present the second additional call and facilitate 1:1 match-making meetings between possible partners on Monday 21 June. After 22 June a permanent matchmaking session is open on the site, so meetings can be organised until 22 July.

The call is targeted on resource management and market and socioeconomic aspects of the Blue Bioeconomy

This call aims to facilitate research and innovation to underpin sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources (Resource Management, Figure 3). This will encompass an integrated food systems approach to ensure ecosystem integrity and resilience. Furthermore, acceptability, trust, transparency, and innovation uptake by citizens are key to developing the Blue Bioeconomy sector. To this end the production and consumption of safe and healthy food and bio-based products (food and nutrition security) is vital and this call will address market and socioeconomic aspects of the value chain to foster solutions to these issues (Market, Figure 3).

Figure 3. Blue Bioeconomy Value Chain with gaps in R&I identified for this call


Participation in the call

9 funding organisations from 8 countries are involved in this call. The total available budget is approx. 8 million €. The following partner countries will provide funds: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway. All projects are open to partners from all counties, as far as they bring their own funds.

Each project must include at least three partners from three countries and at least one industry partner.

Important dates and deadlines for second additional BlueBio call

21 June: online brokerage event, part 2 (1:1 meetings between potential applicants and elevator pitches on b2match). Permanent matchmaking session available until 22 July, 2021.

20 September: submission deadline for pre-proposals

You may also indicate a wish to present an elevator pitch during the 21 June brokerage event when registering or by sending an email.

Online brokerage 1:1 meetings

The projects funded by the additional call must have at least three legal entities from three partner countries and there must be at least one industry partner. The matchmaking event is to facilitate the meeting of potential cooperation partners in 20-minute face-2-face video talks.

You may also pre-register to present an elevator pitch during this event.

To join the 1:1 meetings, please follow these steps

Register via the green "Register now" button.

Publish a business profile to showcase your needs. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and who you want to meet. Your profile will be visible before, during and after the event.

Browse profiles of attendees, find out who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities.

Send and receive meeting requests. Browse published participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet. Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted.

Everybody can send meeting requests to everyone.

Incoming meeting requests have to be accepted to be scheduled

Brokerage Event - 21 June (CEST)

09:45 - 10:00

Virtual coffee and practical help

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome to the brokerage event and introduction

10:15 - 10:35

1:1 meetings, session 1

10:35- 10:55

1:1 meetings session 2

10:55 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:20

1:1 meetings session 3

11:20 - 11.40

1:1 meetings session 4

11:40 - 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 - 12:05

1:1 meetings session 5

12:05 - 12:45 

Elevator Pitches (pre-registered in b2match)

12:45 - 13:00

Conclusion and encouragement to network via b2match long term match making

A permanent matchmaking session is available on b2match until 22 July, 2021.